Legal Notice


Name of company:

Thomas Downing trading as FunKit


Registered office:

19 Holly Court, Beacon Road


East Sussex

United Kingdom



Contact details:

Thomas Downing



Business ID no.

Currently Sole Trader trading as


VAT no.

Not currently VAT registered


Regulatory authority:

Trading Standards

Unhappy with your experience?


With a long history in customer service, we strive to give you the best possible experience. However, should something unfortunately go wrong and you are not completely satisfied with the service we have provided you with, all you need to do is get in touch via one of the many methods and rest assured we will put a smile back on you face. A happy you makes for a very happy us!


Simply fill out the form below or reach out via one of the other methods and we will get in touch right away to rectify your issues.


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We're so sorry to hear you've had a bad experience with us but rest assured we will do everything in our power to make sure you're left feeling like you have been looked after. Bear with us and we will get back to you at the first available chance.